Still Working From Home? – Breaking Down The Implications Of Remote Work On Taxes
During global COVID-19 pandemic, employers have embraced an environment where employees work from home. With the opportunity to work from home, some Canadians are taking the opportunity to work from anywhere. For some that means working from the cottage or working from a foreign location. While this has been a great opportunity for employees and employers alike, there’s just one catch: understanding the impact of working remotely on taxes. In this article, we will explain where Canadian remote workers pay taxes and the unique tax implications of working remotely.
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All You Need to Know About Canada’s Electric Car Govt. Rebates, Tax and Tax Write-offs
The federal government has declared that by 2035 100 per cent of passenger cars and trucks sold in Canada must be zero-emission. But we all know that the higher upfront purchase cost of zero-emission vehicles (ZEVs) can make it more difficult to adopt this clean technology. In order for you to make the switch, both Federal and provincial government has announced new incentives to make zero-emission vehicles (“ZEV”) more affordable for Canadians. Here is the breakdown of everything you need to know before purchasing ZEV.
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